It’s Safety First with RUBIS

Team RUBIS recently shared key messages on safety with the public in a variety of creative and informative ways as they celebrated their inaugural Safety Week.

The Operations department teams from RUBIS Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia and St. Vincent highlighted various educational safety initiatives in each of their jurisdictions.

Barbados’ activities included employee health screenings in partnership with Sagicor, fire safety training, and a visit to the St. Stephen’s Primary School to share safety tips with the students. The Team conducted an open house and customer walk-through at their Spring Garden Terminal.

Janelle Nurse of Team RUBIS Barbados listens intently to an excited St. Stephen’s Primary student during their visit to the school to promote Safety Week.

Team St. Lucia conducted fire safety training for employees, health checks by the St. Lucia Diabetes Society and a visit to Ciceron Secondary School to share safety tips with the students.

A group of second form students at Ciceron Secondary School, St. Lucia practice the proper technique to install an LPG regulator under the watchful eye of Yasmine Louis Felicien and Curt Marius of Team RUBIS
Staff at the St. Lucia office enjoyed an educational session conducted by the St. Lucia Diabetes Society, including blood sugar checks.
Service Station Managers and Supervisors in St. Lucia conducted a Fire Fighting Workshop to hone their safety skills.

Guyana’s Safety Week activities comprised a visit to Providence Primary School to share safety tips with over 170 students. Other activities included a partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Red Cross to host health talks and perform health screenings such as glucose and blood pressure tests on staff and customers.

Team RUBIS Guyana conducted a Health Day in conjunction with the Ministry of Health at the Ramsburg Terminal

St. Vincent’s activities comprised a Health Day in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the St. Vincent Police Force, and a station event at Peruvian Vale RUBIS Service Station to share safety tips with customers.

The St. Vincent team enjoyed a trivia game challenge as part of the Safety Week activities.
Elroy Edwards, Accounts Executive at RUBIS gets his blood pressure checked during the Health Day activities.

All countries held Safety Week events at their Service Stations to share safety tips with customers.

Randel Alexis of Team RUBIS chats with a customer on good safety practices at the recent Safety Week station event at Melville Street RUBIS Service Station, Grenada.
This little one was a part of the action at the recent Safety Week station event at Canefield RUBIS Service Station , Dominica.

Staff also participated in several in-house safety competitions throughout the week including participation in an all-water day where they only drank water.

The RUBIS Aviation Team supported Safety Week by participating in an all water day where they only drank water.
Keimar Beckles of RUBIS Barbados receiving his prize for winning the in house competition from Dianne Best, Terminal Operations Manager, RUBIS Eastern Caribbean.

Dianne Best, Terminal Operations Manager, RUBIS Eastern Caribbean and chairperson of the 2019 Safety Week Committee explained the activities were planned to highlight the importance of safety as one of the energy company’s main priorities. Mrs. Best said, “Safety is an important aspect of our everyday life and it is important to reinforce this with our customers and the general public.”