Pictured above: 2016 Rubis summer interns
Rubis Barbados hosted yet another successful eight week summer internship programme which ended on September 1st. The students who are mainly 1st and 2nd year students at UWI Cave Hill campus were assigned to the Operations, IT, Marketing and Finance departments.
Pictured above: Dolores Batson, Human Resources Manager, Rubis Eastern Caribbean ( center) and the nine (9)summer interns.
Enrico Maughn
“I worked in the terminal for most of the time. I liked the ladies there but when the guys came down it was easier, although it was still a lot of hard work. I was able to work on a project with Ken Springer where the drawings had to be approved and go to Four Roads to observe permits being issued and tanks being put in place. Overall I learned about the world of work and I feel more prepared for my first job. I did not expect it. It was truly fantastic except for the week with the trucks.”
Charles Yearwood
“I enjoyed the IT department and learned a lot about computers. At the terminal it was difficult but I learned a lot from Ken and about persons working together. Lack of collaboration equals a lot of time wasting. Sometimes you may not get along with coworkers but you must be considerate because everyone’s job is important”.
Shaquille Payne
“In Finance it was a good experience for the future as I am working in the area I want to go into later. In Operations it was a lot of hard work in the hot sun for instance treating diesel tanks, seeing customers and putting the sales for each day in to a spread sheet. Everyone was pleasant and easy to get along with. There wasn’t much pressure and I learned a lot about the industry. It was pretty good experience with the benefit of now knowing what to look forward to in the future”.
Lauren Best
“Working in an office made me mindful of how my actions can affect other persons working around me. I witnessed firsthand team work, chain of command and overlapping of departments to get the job done. It was a tremendous experience; from safety and fire training to office working and touring an oil tanker. The staff accommodated us in every area and had no problem explaining anything. The Rubis internship was enjoyable with hardworking friendly staffs who are family like making it remarkable and memorable. I would recommend”.
Monica Weekes
“Working at Rubis was an amazing experience. The environment was open and the staff was extremely pleasant and welcoming. I had the opportunity to work within the Finance department alongside Justin, Ainsworth and Lana. Working with each of them gave me experience in entirely different fields. It was a challenge but one I enjoyed. I can honestly say I learned a lot that relates to my field of study”.
Cherise Roach
“I gained more knowledge in the field I am pursuing (Accounting) and how it is applied in the work place. It was interesting, informative and fun. The Rubis environment was friendly, comfortable and everyone made me feel welcome. My supervisors were helpful and interactive and I learned about VAT, reconciliation etc”.
Janeil King
“At first it was challenging but it became easier. Casiann and Romelle helped me through everything. I had a lot of fun but had work done on time. I learned that I mustn’t take things like attitude to heart. At Rubis everyone was open , friendly and all sought to fulfil my needs. I also learned to conduct myself better attitude wise and how this specific work environment works. I would do it all over again”.
Sheridan Gibson
“It was different from most organizations and was so welcoming it made me feel as though I have been here for a while. Rubis was a great learning experience and it was interesting to see where it begins and ends (Spring Garden to Head office) and how the fuel industry works. I looked at things through a regional window. It was new and more than what I expected. I interacted with everyone internally and externally”.
Danielle Best
“In Marketing I learnt that carrying myself well is very important. Working alongside Gabrielle Barrow and Andrea Gooding made me realize that being social and kind is vital to forming links with persons. I was also exposed to what it takes to make an event/promotion happen and I learned a lot about Rubis and its member countries. My supervisors and mentors were extremely nice! Most persons here were open and inviting. I have learned that there are ethical rules you must follow to better yourself”.