The Southern Amateur Lawn Tennis Club (SALTC) is a proud recipient of coaching aids and equipment for use in its tennis coaching programme. The coaching aids and equipment, funded by a donation from Rubis to the tune of EC$ 2500.00, were handed over at a brief ceremony on Saturday, April 10, 2013. Present at the ceremony, were the participants of the programme, parents, members of the club and a representative from Rubis.
The SALTC, upon receiving the items expressed much gratitude to Rubis for funding the purchase of the various aids and equipment and pledges to make full use of the coaching aids to enhance the teaching of tennis among people of all ages, especially children. The aids and equipment consist of a variety of items that will assist the students in learning the game more effectively.
The Southern Amateur Lawn Tennis Club operates a regular and comprehensive tennis programme for children of all ages. In addition, the club provides coaching to adults all with a view to promoting the sport of tennis in the South of Saint Lucia where its operations are based. The club will continue to augment and strengthen its coaching programme at the community and school levels so as to promote the game at all levels.