RUBIS St. Vincent supports KPS graduation ceremony

TeamRUBIS St Vincent was pleased to reward the graduating class of the Kingstown Preparatory School (KPS) with trophies and gifts for outstanding academic achievements.

Country Representative for RUBIS, Elroy Edwards explained, “We were happy to respond to the school’s call to assist in their graduation ceremony. RUBIS believes in supporting our young people in their academic achievements and these children have a proven track record of excellence. We want to help them continue on that path to success.”

Principal of KPS, Susan Jackson-Abraham saluted RUBIS for its role in assisting in the community, stating, “We strongly believe that such programmes not only recognise the dedication, hard work and scholastic achievements of the students, but help to identify their true potential, instilling in them a lifetime of motivation, driven by their success.”

Over the years, RUBIS has supported various schools in similar initiatives, both academic and sports related.